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Anin dvor, Cvetlični hrib 1A, 3250 Rogaška Slatina

Discover Rogaška Slatina main attractions!

Walking through the thematically colored museum collections, the visitor can get acquainted to all phases of crystal glass formation in the »Glassware collection«. On paper trapped once, today, guests are led through the memories of Swiss patron Kurt Müller's »Graphic Collection«.
A special seal with a rich content is the »Local story Collection« of a local creator and collector, also known as Nani Poljanec. Here you will learn about the history of Rogaška Slatina development and taste the touch of cosmopolitanism through the »collection of signatures« of celebrities from all over the world, each in their own way marking history.
The way to the floor leads to the »park collection« where you can admire the autochthonous tree species from Rogaška Slatina park surfaces. The last, »Water Collection« is dedicated to the key element of Rogaška Slatina historical development – Water.

Event Hall

When entering Ana’s Palace, you will be fascinated by the central event hall, its luxury crystal decorations charms and tell the story of glass and water, which hand-in-hand on the road to success created Rogaška Slatina. The hall is intended for a variety of events

One of the largest private collections on the Karadjordjevic dynasty in the world

Here visitors follow the traces up to the time of the Kingdom of the SHS and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Experience Rogaška Slatina

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