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Cerovec pod Bočem 10, 3250 Rogaška Slatina

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by prior arrangement

Let yourself pamper with top-quality wine in an authentic environment

The excellence of wines produced in Rogaška Slatina comes from the roots of viticulture precious tradition on Boč southern slopes. Already in 1860, in Cerovec under Boč, generations of winemakers proved to be excellent wine producers. The heritage of the experience was taken over by the Kregar family under the brand name Klet Kregar.

The taste of our wines, together with other experiences, creates unforgettable impressions and memories. In an environmentally friendly manner, produced Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Renski Riesling and Blue Pinot give Klet Kregar wines the fullness of flavors, colors and scents, that are especially characteristic of local sun and earth effects.

Experience Rogaška Slatina

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